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All Saints Blackheath

Embedding Race Equality

In Lewisham and in All Saints’ we want our education system to be one where every child and young person has a genuine opportunity to succeed. We want a whole system where young people and their families feel that education is relevant to them and which values their culture and heritage. We do not want them to be stereotyped or limited by distorted expectations. We want them to be educated free of oppression and discrimination. We recognise that there is a considerable challenge given the wider injustice in Society: injustice that is racial, economic and with many other dimensions. Given the diversity of Lewisham’s population and in particular being home to one of the largest young Caribbean populations in the country we need to lead the way and be in the vanguard driving change.

Embedding Race Equality - Lewisham Pledge

We are expecting all Lewisham schools to publicly sign up to a pledge to Embed Race Equality and address Black Caribbean heritage and Black and Minority Ethnic under achievement.

This will entail a commitment to:

  • Targeting ambitious outcomes for Black Caribbean heritage and Black and Minority Ethnic pupils.
  • Reducing exclusions of Black Caribbean heritage pupils at all ages.
  • Leaders and governors taking a whole school approach to embedding race equality.
  • Transparent reporting and sharing of borough wide data trends.
  • Working together in new ways and sharing good practice to embed race equality in our school cultures and curriculum.
  • Actively developing high quality relationships with Black Caribbean heritage and Black and Minority Ethnic pupils and their parents.
  • Improving Black representation in school leadership and governing bodies.
  • Lewisham schools holding each other to account. Lewisham Learning and Lewisham Council will internally support and challenge, including reporting annually to the Council, on the progress that is being made across Lewisham.