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All Saints Blackheath

Keeping You Informed

Communication with Parents

You will be informed of events taking place in school or items of interest via the following channels:


Fortnightly Friday Flyer

 Praise in Church

Letters about specific issues/events

Termly class-based parents' fora

School-based workshops

Parents’ evenings

Annual reports

School Website (www.allsaints.lewisham.sch.uk )


It helps enormously if there is good communication between school and home.  If there is anything you wish to discuss, then please do not hesitate to telephone (020 8852 6136) or email us  (admin@allsaints.lewisham.sch.uk) to arrange to see the class teacher or Headteacher.  Similarly, if we feel that your child has a problem of any kind in school, we shall get in touch with you straight away. Mrs Tompkins has an ‘open door’ policy and welcomes you to come and talk to her at any time if you wish. 


Email and text messaging

As a school we try very hard to ensure we communicate as frequently as possible with our parents to ensure everyone is kept informed. We have found that sending written information home can be rather ‘hit or miss’ with letters often going missing on the way! We are also increasingly aware of the environmental impact of the amount of paper we use and are trying to move towards a paperless system.

Whenever possible, we try to use email or text messages and hope that as a result you receive information from the school in a more reliable and efficient manner. In order for this to run smoothly, please ensure that we have your current mobile phone numbers and email addresses. To notify us of any change, please email us at admin@allsaints.lewisham.sch.uk. We also routinely check your details with you at parents evenings.


Parents' Evenings & Fora

Parents’ evenings are held each Autumn and Spring.  At this time parents are given the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress.  In July parents receive their child’s annual report.

Parents' fora give you the opportunity to see your child’s work and parents’ evenings during the year provide time to discuss his/her progress with the class teacher.  They are of great benefit to you, to us and subsequently to your child. We also encourage parents to join with us on occasions such as church services, school productions, concerts, sports days and social functions (organised by the Friends).


Collective worship is celebrated every day.

Once a month on Friday afternoon at 3pm a Praise is held at All Saints’ Church.                             It celebrates how individual children's attitudes, behaviour and learning have contributed to the ethos of the school. All parents and carers are encouraged to attend to celebrate with the children.


If parents have any cause for concern they are asked to come into school to resolve the problem as soon as possible with the Headteacher and staff.  In the unlikely event that the concern cannot be dealt with, the Governors, then the Local Authority can be contacted.  Further information regarding the school and Local Authority complaints procedure can be obtained below.

Please click here for our Complaints policy 

We are proud of our strong links with parents and look forward to working closely with you.