More Able Pupils
What does More Able mean?
At All Saints’ we define More Able children as those who are particularly able or excel in one or more academic subjects e.g. English, maths, science or ICT or have a special ability or potential in art, music, drama, PE, sports and dance. They may also have particular strengths in their person and interpersonal skills or leadership qualities.
How do we identify More Able pupils?
We use a variety of methods to identify More Able pupils.
These include:
- teacher referrals based on observations
- regular tracking of pupils’ assessment data
- teacher assessment
- nominations from coaches, music teachers etc
- parent questionnaires
- parent referrals.
How do we provide for your child?
- plan challenging work at a higher level
- offer opportunities for self-directed study;
- use higher order questioning
- provide a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs
- offer one-to-one music tuition
- nominate children for extra-curricular study, competitions or classes
- provide opportunities for collaborative work with KS3 teachers and pupils
- celebrate children’s leadership qualities through giving them recognised positions of responsibility.
For elite talent e.g. tennis, gymnasts, musicians etc, who train for at least 5 hours each week, as their level of skill is considerably beyond that taught in school and covered by the National Curriculum, where possible they will be allowed to train with their own coach during curriculum time. This will be for a maximum of 2 hours per week. The class timetable will be rearranged to accommodate this so that the children are not missing other learning and that the rest of the class are being taught that same subject during that time.