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All Saints Blackheath

Pupil Premium 

Pupil premium strategy statement

Staff at All Saints' Church of England Primary School are committed to planning Quality First teaching and learning opportunities that meet our whole school vision. Where appropriate, we use the Pupil Premium to support children in overcoming personal and social barriers to their learning in order to enable them to enjoy, achieve and develop a love for learning.


The Government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant in April 2011. This grant is a separate and additional funding stream given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. It is allocated according to the number of pupils who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), an allocation for each pupil who has been Looked After (in the care of the local authority) for 6 months or more and for children from families with parents in the Armed Forces. In 2012, funding was extended to include pupils who have been eligible for free school meals within the past 6 years.

Since April 2014 children who have been adopted are eligible for this funding too.

The Government allows schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. Schools are held accountable as to how they will use the money.


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2022

The following symbols appear in this document:



This indicates the cost aspect in relation to the expenditure. A lower number of symbols on the indicator bar shows a less expensive cost relating to the planned expenditure, with a higher number of symbols signalling a more expensive costing. some activities work on the strength of character and resilience of a child, which then enable other activities to have maximum impact.


This indicates the strength of the evidence that underpins the planned expenditure. Lower numbers of symbols mean there is less evidence which supports the planned expenditure. This does not however mean the quality of such evidence is lacking and lower scored evidence ratings still reflect meaningful research.


This indicates the impact in terms of months. In this case:a score of +5 reflects the potential of a planned expenditure activity to deliver an impact of +5 months’ worth of progress upon the child / children that undertake it. A lower score or no score at all is not irrelevant and some activities work on the strength of character and resilience of a child, which then enable other activities to have maximum impact.

School overview



School name

All Saints’ C of E Primary Blackheath

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)

 September 2021- July 2024

Date this statement was published

December  2021

Date on which it will be reviewed

 September 2022

Statement authorised by

Debbie Tompkins

Pupil premium lead

Debbie Tompkins

Governor  lead

 Canon  Nicholas Cranfield

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

Our aim is to, ”educate the saints of today for the world of tomorrow” and  to ensure that our pupils are not disadvantaged as a result of their socioeconomic context.

We work in partnership with parents and families to achieve the best outcomes for our pupils. We recognise that some families experience barriers and are disadvantaged by finance, housing, or social situations and this can impact on their children’s ability to get the best out of school life.

In order to make the best decisions on additional funding, we draw on research evidence (such as the EEF toolkit, Sutton Trust, Speak for Change; https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/evidence-summaries/teaching-learning-toolkit) and evidence from our own experience to ensure we allocate funding to activities that are most likely to maximise potential. The Education Endowment Fund identified a number of key principles and dispelled some myths around PP.

We believe that with the correct support all pupils can achieve their full potential, as long as the provision meets their needs.

Our ultimate objectives are to:

  •      Remove barriers to learning created by poverty, family circumstance and background
  •     Narrow the attainment gaps between disadvantaged pupils and their non disadvantaged counterparts both within school  and nationally
  •     Ensure ALL pupils are able to read fluently and with good understanding to enable them to access the breadth of the   curriculum
  •      Develop confidence in their ability to communicate effectively in a wide range of contexts
  •     Enable pupils to look after their social and emotional wellbeing and to develop resilience.
  •     Access a wide range of opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world

Achieving our objectives:

In order to achieve our objectives and overcome identified barriers to learning we will:

  •     Provide all teachers with high quality CPD to ensure that pupils access effective quality first teaching
  •     Provide targeted intervention and support to quickly address identified gaps in learning including the use of pre teaching, small group work in and out of class, 1:1 tuition
  •   Target funding to ensure that all pupils have access to trips, residentials, first hand learning experiences
  •      Provide opportunities for all pupils to participate in enrichment activities including sport and music
  •     Provide appropriate nurture support to support pupils in their emotional and social development.
  •    This is not an exhaustive list and strategies will change and develop based on the needs of individuals.

Key Principals:

We will ensure that effective teaching, learning and assessment meets the needs of all pupils through the rigorous analysis of data. Class teachers will identify through assessment and knowing the children specific intervention and support for individual pupils which will be reviewed at least termly. Alongside academic support, we will ensure that those pupils who have social, emotional and mental health needs will access high quality provision from appropriately trained adults


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Progress and attainment in reading and writing is historically lower than non PP pupils for some pupils - need to accelerate progress for these children and ensure the Vocabulary Gap is closed and increase ability to be able to write formal English.


Raise aspirations and pupils’ willingness to challenge themselves in all lessons. Develop metacognitive skills, collaboration and social communication so that long term memory is impacted.


Not all PP children came into school during Covid Pandemic, despite parents’ best efforts, ie not all had the IT resources or infrastructure resources to be able to access learning, or the physical time to give because of  struggles with work and looking after children or the ability to be able to support.


COVID pandemic and lockdowns impacted on the children's ability to self regulate their mental health and well being, and lack of contact with their peers affected all children but those particularly disadvantaged.


Attendance can be erratic and often late therefore missing early morning work and an easy opportunity for pre teaching before the start of the day.


Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan (2020-2023), and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria


Continue to explore, provide and enhance strategies eg pre teaching, scaffolding task, so that all pupils can access all areas of the curriculum and are taught with the rest of the class increasing self esteem and confidence.

Curriculum designed to be rooted in vocabulary and oral literacy so that words are taught systematically.

Quality of teaching and provision from EYFS - KS1-KS2 results for all SEND and non SEND PP pupils in:

  •      increased progress in reading Writing and Mathematics.
  •      making the same levels of progress and achieving the same achievement standards as non disadvantaged pupils.

Improve emotional resilience and self regulation of disadvantaged pupils through use of zones of regulation and accessing and developing the “Thrive team provision.”

  •    Pupils understand and can control their emotions more effectively evidenced by on line records and daily zone monitoring
  •     Access support for emotional and mental health and involvement in the therapy impacts on learning outcomes

Improve social experiences and provide enrichment opportunities through:

Children attend a weekly PE club, opportunity to learn a musical instrument, weekly art club, and go on school visits/outdoor learning.

School journey in Years 4-6

  •      Children are able to talk and extend their vocabulary through experiences that support first quality teaching.
  •     Increased participation gives equity for PP pupils as money should not preclude them from activity. All clubs provide social experience building on teamwork and sense of belonging.
  •     Learning a musical instrument helps in brain development and neuro- pathways from one half of the brain to the other.

Address the gaps in Cultural capital between disadvantaged and non disadvantaged pupils through first quality teaching, mastery approach and one to one tuition.


  •     Disadvantaged pupils developed so that academic and intellectual ways of thinking and powerful personal knowledge impacts on their memory and their ability to compete equitably with non disadvantaged pupils.


 Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 14,600


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Chris Quigley cultural Capital staff attend training

Training all staff to gain a common understanding of the complexities of social, financial and cultural capital.

This is essential in order for an in depth understanding of the approach of our design of the curriculum.



Curriculum design continues to evolve linking threshold concepts and embedding first quality teaching and revisiting learning to bring back into working memory to “remember and forget”.

Use of a structured systematic development of vocabulary

Geography, History and Science taught through specific text and linked to Literacy whilst keeping the subject skills knowledge explicit.

Doug Lemov’s “Plagues of reading” texts allocated to each year group so that all children irrespective of reading ability are exposed to the text and its content.


Learning is structured through the Chris Quigley approach where Metacognition and self-regulation are key approaches to teaching. This approach supports pupils to think about their own learning more explicitly, often by teaching them specific strategies for planning, monitoring, and evaluating their learning. Interventions are usually designed to give pupils a repertoire of strategies to choose from and the skills to select the most suitable strategy for a given learning task. Self-regulated learning can be broken into three essential components:

  •      cognition – the mental process involved in knowing, understanding, and learning
  •    metacognition – often defined as ​‘learning to learn’;
  •     motivation – willingness to engage our metacognitive and cognitive skills.















One to one tuition for phonics, literacy and mathematics

One to one tuition high impact moderately expensive high impact      








Reading and phonic support in Reception Year 1 and Year 2- one to one tutoring


Every PP Pupil given their own brand new book and or visit the book shop in the Village to buy a book every term.






Speech and language Trust evidences that a language ability at age 5 is the best indicator of reading ability at 7. Improvement of language and vocabulary skills with opportunities built into the curriculum to increase language benefits in reading and writing for all but particularly to PP.

One to one tuition high impact moderately expensive high impact      




Phonics high impact for very low cost on based extensive research














Support for counselling the Thrive team

Thrive team to access monitoring of work through counsellor so they can offload and bring case studies to trained support.


Mindfulness and Teachappy  In-service training to all staff with own classes



Mental health Champion training


Social and emotional barriers to learning for PP pupils are reduced and the PP pupils are able to access the Social Emotional Interventions for PP group. Educational Endowment Fund(EEF) Toolkit suggests that there is evidence that targeted social and emotional learning interventions improves the pupils social and emotional wellbeing so that they can be more effective learners.

Class based teacher activity reduced by a day to deliver programmes whilst the class team (teacher and assistants) remain to observe and join in thus providing CPD for staff to be able to use on a day to day basis with children and themselves.







Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 10,625


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Lego Therapy/circle solutions



One to one support recovery funding

Training to deliver programmes for literacy and numeracy

Find out about intervention






Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £ 30,400


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Zones of regulation Children embed the use of zones daily identifying their well being .

Use of zones in positive behaviour policy to be a regulator and help reflect on actions



Approach to develop a positive school ethos with the aim of improving greater lesson engagement



Outdoor learning Visits

School Journey




To facilitate learning and enhance personal growth. To assist the teaching of disadvantaged pupils, resulting in quality that is good and frequently outstanding.  So disadvantaged children can understand and can control their emotions more.

Residential Trips are proven to support growth mindsets, increase confidence and teach team building skills. Children learn vital life skills of perseverance and resilience and this in turn impacts on their academic progress within lessons as they are able to apply these skills when back in the school environment. Evidence from previous years show children return to school from residentials and other trips with heightened confidence and engagement.










Financial support to attend a PE club and learn a musical instrument

A new book fiction/non fiction every term





Total budgeted cost  =  £ 55,625


Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2020 to 2021 academic year.

Due to COVID-19, performance measures have not been published for 2020 to 2021, and 2020 to 2021 results will not be used to hold schools to account. Given this, please point to any other pupil evaluations undertaken during the 2020 to 2021 academic year, for example, standardised teacher administered tests or diagnostic assessments such as rubrics or scales.

If last year marked the end of a previous pupil premium strategy plan, what is your assessment of how successfully the intended outcomes of that plan were met?


Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England



Times Tables Rockstars


Classroom Secrets


Angel MFL solutions




Provision Mapping



Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?



Further information (optional)

 Use of PE grant to support PP to fully engage in a healthy lifestyle.


Staff at All Saints’ are committed to planning Quality First teaching and learning opportunities that meet our whole school vision of a love for learning. Where appropriate, we use the Pupil Premium to support children in overcoming personal and social barriers to their learning in order to enable them to enjoy, achieve and develop a love for learning.

Due to the low number in receipt of the grant, All Saints’ does not publish specific results/ or spending in each year group to avoid identifying specific children in a public domain.





How the funding is allocated

The Government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant in April 2011. This grant is a separate and additional funding stream given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. It is allocated according to the number of pupils who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), an allocation for each pupil who has been Looked After (in the care of the local authority) for 6 months or more and for children from families with parents in the Armed Forces. In 2012, funding was extended to include pupils who have been eligible for free school meals within the past 6 years.

Since April 2014 children who have been adopted are eligible for this funding too.

The Government allows schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. Schools are held accountable how they will use the money.


The total Pupil Premium for 2018/19 was  £19,800


How the funding will be used this year

The aims of the interventions and activities are:

  • To raise attainment and close the gap between vulnerable pupils and their peers.
  • To ensure that children who are entitled to Pupil Premium Funding achieve at least age-related levels in reading, writing and mathematics.
  • To ensure that children who are entitled to Pupil Premium funding make at least good progress in reading, writing and maths over the course of an academic year.
  • To equip children with the necessary skills needed to access the full curriculum, include enrichment activities.

This year we will provide:

  • Maths & Literacy booster groups
  • 1:1 tuition for identified pupils;
  • Purchase of catch up programmes;
  • Phonics booster groups from Inclusion Manager;
  • Use of the Inclusion Leader to support Pupil Premium children  and their families with issues such as difficulty in travel difficulties, welfare access support, counselling, supporting their children’s learning;
  • Free educational visits and music lessons for eligible pupils;
  • Free school journey to:

            UK centre (Cultural and Adventure)- 5 days, 4 nights for Yr 6
            Sailing in Chichester (Adventure) – 3 days, 2 nights for Yr 5
            Survival Training (Personal Development) - 2 days, 1 night for Yr 4

  • Free membership of any of our extra-curricular clubs.

 PDF icon Please click here for our Pupil Premium strategy for 2018-19.


The impact of the funding from 2017/18

In 2017/18 our total Pupil Premium was £18,480.

 PDF icon Please click here for our Pupil Premium Spending Evaluation 2017-2018

For more details on the Pupil Premium please visit:
