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All Saints Blackheath

Relationships and SEx Education (RSE)


It is important that as children grow up, they come to an understanding of their own bodies, instincts and feelings so we include RSE as part of our curriculum. The children develop an understanding of RSE within the context of our Christian ethos and values.


RSE Curriculum

Before a class studies RSE formally (normally in KS2) parents are informed and are invited to view the materials which will be used by a class.

The National Curriculum states that:

All pupils in KS1 should be taught ‘that animals, including humans, move, feed, grow, use their senses and reproduce’ and that ‘humans and other animals can produce offspring and that these offspring grow into adults’.

All pupils in KS2 should be taught ‘that the life processes common to humans and animals include nutrition, movement, growth and reproduction’ and ‘about the main stages of the human life cycle’.

For more detail about the RSE curriculum 

Please read Relationships and Sex Education policy found here