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All Saints Blackheath

Special Educational Needs Provision (Our Local Offer)

All Saints’ is an inclusive school and may offer the following range of provision to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) based on the existing needs of pupils and the current skills base of staff. This will be reviewed at least annually.


Social skills programmes

Lego therapy

Secondary transition package

Comic strip conversations

Mentoring activities

Learning mentor

Circle time

Young leaders

Circle of Friends

Access to a supportive environment

Visual timetable

Visual prompt cards

Access to Alpha Neo, dicta-phones

Interactive whiteboards

Pre teaching and review of strategies and vocabulary

Strategies/programmes to support speech and Language

Support and advice from Speech and Language therapist

Delivery of a planned Speech and Language programme from a teaching assistant following advice from a Speech and Language therapist

Liaison with external professionals/parents, attendance at meetings and preparation of reports

Liaison with a wide range of professionals

Regular meetings with parents

Explanation of professional reports to parents

Planning and assessment

Individual targets/provision map

Differentiated activities to meet individual needs

Feedback to pupils

Strategies to reduce anxiety/promote emotional well being

Meet and greet sessions at start and end of day

Home/school communication books

Referral to Child and adolescent mental health service ( CAMHS)

Planned programme of support from teaching assistant/learning mentor

Whole school weekly celebration involving parents

Strategies to support literacy

Focus group in class

Withdrawal in a small group or for 1:1 literacy programme such as Sounds-Write or Alpha to Omega

Strategies to support numeracy

Focus group in class

Withdrawal in a small group or for 1:1 maths support

Provision to support access to the curriculum

Small group support from a teaching assistant

One to one support in the classroom from a teaching assistant to facilitate access through support or modified resources

Specialist equipment

Use of personalised differentiated curriculum

Strategies to support independent learning

Use of visual timetables

Pre teaching vocabulary and content

Access to personal ICT

Use of Picture exchange communication system (PECS)  cards

Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day

Teaching assistant support at lunchtime and playtime

Buddy support systems

Circle of Friends

Specialist clubs

Access to medical interventions

Strategies for the use of personal medicine

Individual care plans for children with significant medical needs and allergies

Access to school nurse

Staff first aid trained

Risk assessments in place

Please click here for the Lewisham Local Offer.Please click here for our Accessibility Plan.

Please click here for our SEND report more information about our learning support.