Excellent attendance and punctuality are essential to give children continuity in their learning as well as developing responsibility to themselves and their community.
For 2017-18 our data was:
2017-18 | |
Total number of registered pupils : | 237 |
Authorised Absence : | 2.94% |
Unauthorised Absence: | 0.32% |
Late: | 2.13% |
The figures reflect the attendance policy where the Headteacher refers requests to the governing body for term-time absence and permission is only granted in exceptional circumstances. A child is noted as late if they arrive after 8.50am – the start of the school day. The awards to the best class for punctuality and attendance are announced in the Friday Flyer.
Authorised and unauthorised absences
Please let the school know promptly by telephone or note if your child is absent through illness or for any other reason. If the school is not informed or an unacceptable reason is given, then it is an unauthorised absence. We also keep records of children who are late. Persistent lateness or unexplained absence is referred to the Education Social Worker. We provide annual information on absence to the Department for Education.
Please click here for our Attendance policy (January 2018).
We recognise that not all illnesses require a child to be kept off school and encourage children to attend school. However, sometimes to prevent the spread of infection to other children and staff and to allow the child time to rest, recover and be treated for the illness, children will need to remain at home.
At All Saints’ we follow the Health Matters guidelines from the Local Authority regarding contagious conditions and will advise you accordingly.