Your views from 2012
Having made a number of changes during the year, we asked your opinion about their effectiveness. This is what you said:
You said that safety in the playground before school was a concern and we changed the routine so that KS2 come in from 8.40. What do you think?
- Works well – please continue
- Good idea. Always a bit of a scramble after Praise assembly on Friday though. Perhaps that should change as well.
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We changed the sports provision this year.
What went well:
- Brilliant team at SKFA – love it!
Even better if:
- Netball team or basketball (can be mixed).
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You said communication could be improved and we are developing a new website for September. What would be useful to include on it?
- Downloadable calendar of events.
- More ‘incidental’ day-to-day information.
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What does your child tell you that goes well in the playground at playtime and what could be improved?
What went well:
- Young leaders
Even better if:
- Alternative options for non-sporty children.
For all responses to this question, please click here.
You said that you would prefer a more local venue and more activities for KS1. We offered Sutcliffe Park with field events for the younger classes.
What went well:
- Great venue – extra activities for KS1 fantastic
Even better if:
- It could be reached by public transport, or was just on the heath!
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To foster independence and to aid transition, we are considering a programme of overnight stays building to the week-long school journey in Year 6.
E.g. Year 3 – overnight sleepover in school
Year 4 - overnight at a local scout camp
Year 5 – 2/3 nights on a local outdoor centre
Year 6 – week’s school journey in France/Belgium (nearer to home)
What do you think?
- This already so sounds great!
- Not necessary until Year 5 or 6. I think Year 3 is too early.
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With regards to the cost of school trips, you said that you’d like to pay in advance. From September, we are considering offering the option of gift aiding £20 (to be topped up as necessary) to cover the cost of visits for the year. What do you think?
- Yes! Less ‘bitty’ and more efficient
- Very good idea but is it enough?
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You said that there was not enough notice and too many school trips on the same day. Have there been any improvements?
- I think school trips are an invaluable part of the school experience. Far more and far better here than at my daughter’s last school
- Too many school trips? Yes! I would rather see more homework.
For all responses to this question, please click here.
Reception parents only – did you like the option of the September start and how quickly did your child settle in?
- Felt it helped the whole class to bond together (and mums!)
- Fairer for children as start on equal footing.
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You said that you would like music provision extended and we offered whole class instrumental lessons to Years 2, 4 and 5.
What went well:
- It encouraged my daughter to start violin lessons outside of school.
Even better if:
- Option to learn more instruments in Year 3 if possible – drumming/percussion please.
For all responses to this question, please click here.
This year, you felt that continuing strings in Year 5 was not appropriate so next year we will be starting an optional strings, brass and woodwind orchestra for KS2, on Friday mornings before school. What do you think?
- Excellent idea re: orchestra – fabulous opportunity!
- Brilliant! Optional is the best option!
For all responses to this question, please click here.
How has your child responded to the ‘My Maths’ homework?
What went well:
- Fabulous – more enthusiastic about doing homework.
Even better if:
- Sometimes it doesn’t appear and other times it seems as if you haven’t done it – even though it has been done!
For all responses to this question, please click here.
How effectively does the school deal with issues and who would you approach if you had a concern?
What went well:
- Wonderful individual support given to my children in their time of need – thank you!
Even better if:
- Need to nip issues in the bud quicker!!!
For all responses to this question, please click here.
What would you like workshops on?
- Phonics/reading
- Maths – how to do it
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Overall, this year...
What went well:
- French trip, sports day, learning.
Even better if:
- Brought back voluntary reading scheme for parents.
For all responses to this question, please click here.
Any other comments?
- Please more after school provision till 5.30 would be good – not just Thurs film club.
- Thank you for all you do for the children and the parents. Bless you all!